Sponsor Of The Week – The Shelving Shop
Proud sponsor of the senior men’s teams at Manly United, The Shelving Shop which was established in 2007 and is a proud Northern Beaches family owned company that caters for all you shelving needs! Search, shop and purchase a huge range of European made shelves, shelving and accessories on line for your home or business, or visit their shop & showroom in Warriewood NSW 2102 and purchase direct. Manly United are proud to have The Shelving Shop as a sponsor for the 2021 season. Help those who support Manly United!
Phone: 9997 6810
Website: https://shelvingshop.com.au/?gclid=CjwKCAjwt8uGBhBAEiwAayu_9YUEizI57O-mS_mImeBrRIly4PUfkzikWpzorIgzrxUN7Ub4Rlq5JxoC8NgQAvD_BwE