Maddison Zahra – A True Female Football Champion
You may have heard the name Maddison Zahra after her fantastic goals in the past couple weeks, however Madz, as she known around Cromer Park, is far more than just a great goal scorer.
Starting at Manly as a junior, Madz has now played for the club for 10 years and is currently playing in our senior women’s squad.
For the past 6 years many of our Manly junior girls have also been lucky enough to Madz their coach.
“I am the head coach of the U14s girls as well as coach and coordinate the Girls SAP and Development squad programs. I also have coached in the Boys Development Squad program.” Zahra said.
As a long-term player and coach, Manly United it more than just a football club for Madz.
“The best thing about Manly is the people I get to work with and play alongside. There are not many other clubs where I’d get to play with mates that I’ve had for nigh on 10 years.
“I also love getting to know our youth league, GSAP and GDEV girls, and playing just a small role in hopefully providing a platform for them to develop into the best players and people they can be.”
If you asked around the club, you would also hear that the Manly Untied girls love Madz just as much as she loves coaching them. Her passion for the game and for developing female football is what makes Madz a real female football champion.
“I love being involved in football – regardless of whether it’s the male or female side of the game.
“I believe that women and girls have so much to offer the sport, and I love being able to deliver programs that hopefully work towards providing more opportunities for young girls and women to have the potential to forge a career in the game.”
A great role model for not just young girls but for all junior footballers, these were Zahra’s inspirational words about the importance of female football.
“The more women and girls we have represented in all facets of the game, from players, to coaches, to fans and development officers, the more the game will recognise the value of women in football.”
Manly United would like to thank Maddison “Madz” Zahra for her commitment to the club and the game we all love and celebrate her this Female Football Week.